Baby Alpacas: Nature's Softest Treasure

How long does it take to melt before a baby animal? Nothing more than a simple glare at their big eyes and fluffy fur and you´ll be loving everything about them.

What happens then, with the cria of the softest animal on the planet? How are baby alpacas? are they even softer than their adult self?

Yes! Baby alpaca´s fiber is multiple times softer than an adult alpaca. The fineness of their fiber is incredibly noticeable by touch.

Alpaca´s gestation lasts about 11.5 months, and most crias are born in spring, weighing between 15 and 20 pounds (8-9 kilos), and with their eyes open. They can stand up and walk within minutes of being delivered. The name cria comes from the Spanish word that means babySpanish sailors in the 18th century called them this after the baby-like ‘mwa’ sound that they make.

Baby alpacas nurse from their mothers for about 6 months. After that, they will start to eat grass and other plants. They grow very quickly in their first few months of life. Typically doubling their weight in the first two months, and reaching their full adult size within two years.

Baby alpaca´s fiber is highly exclusive, they cannot be sheared constantly because it`s dangerous for their health. Garments made of baby alpaca are smoother, silkier and much rarest to find. Don´t miss out the opportunity to discover the enchants of our Baby Alpaca Collections or our Qoni Baby Alpaca toy, made 100% from baby alpaca.

only here in Alpaca Outlets

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