What do alpacas eat?

Have you ever wondered what´s the food alpacas eat that allows them to grow such a soft and delicate fiber? 

 Alpacas are rumiant herbivores, which means they primarily consume plant-based foods. Their digestive system is uniquely designed to process fibrous plant material, making them well-suited for grazing.

paddock grass

The foundation of an alpaca's diet is pasture and forage. They graze on grasses, legumes, and other plants found in their natural habitat The act of grazing isn't just about nourishment; it's an instinctual behavior that keeps alpacas engaged and promotes physical and psychological well-being. Paddock grass is their base food intake but they will requiere lucerne or clover hay during cold seasons, when the grass is insufficient. 


 Alpacas are selective eaters and do not like weeds or poisonous plants although they will nibble on some trees and shrubs if found on their way. Also,  an ocassional fruit or vegetable treat like carrots, apples or turnips will surely make them very happy!

alpaca eating carrot

When it comes to alpacas, their fiber is not just a commodity; it's a work of art crafted by nature. The nutrients they consume serve as the building blocks for their fiber... A fiber you can feel, touch and experience with Alpaca Outlets!

Browse our collections and find that One of a Kind Alpaca Garment for your closet.

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